Aussiecon 4
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Aussiecon 4 was held September 2-6, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia. The GoHs were Kim Stanley Robinson, Shaun Tan, and Robin Johnson.
Photo Album
PR 0
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
PR 1
(0.4 MB; 12 pp)
PR 2
(3.2 MB; 28 pp)
PR 3
(3.6 MB; 30 pp)
PR 4
(0.5 MB; 5 pp)
Pocket Program
(4.7 MB; 200 pp)
Program Book
(19.7 MB; 124 pp)
Voice of the Echidna
(3.1 MB; 22 pp)
Newsletter 1
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
WSFS, Hugos & Site Selection
Hugo Nominating ballot
(0.2 MB; 4 pp)
Hugo ballot
(0.2 MB; 4 pp)
Hugos detailed report
(0.6 MB; 26 pp)
Hugo Awards Ceremony
(1.2 MB; 8 pp)
2012 Site Selection ballot
(0.1 MB; 2 pp)
2012 Site Selection report
(0.1 MB; 1 pp)
2010 Site Selection ballot
(0.3 MB; 2 pp)
WSFS Preliminary BM Agenda
(0.2 MB; 10 pp)
WSFS Constitution
(0.1 MB; 13 pp)
MPC report to WSFS BM
(0.1 MB; 7 pp)
WSFS BM Nitpicking report
(0.1 MB; 2 pp)
WSFS BM Resolutions of Continuing Effect
(0.1 MB; 2 pp)
Pre-Hugo Award Reception invitation
(0.5 MB; 2 pp)
Hotel booking form
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
Art Show information
(0.5 MB; 10 pp)
Publicatiions info
(0.4 MB; 7 pp)
Misc Program listings
(0.7 MB; 63 pp)
Media Kit
(0.1 MB; 9 pp)
Voice of the Koala
(0.2 MB; 2 pp)
Press Releasea 04-16
(0.7 MB; 28 pp)
Postcard flyer
(0.9 MB; 2 pp)
(0.6 MB; 2 pp)
Aussiecon Four envelope
(0.6 MB; 1 pp)
Committee business card
(0.3 MB; 1 pp)
Past Worldcon Chairs' Reception invitation
(0.4 MB; 1 pp)
Postcard flyer 2
(0.9 MB; 2 pp)
Program participants information
(2.4 MB; 4 pp)
Program updates
(9.3 MB; 12 pp)
Sundry party invitations
(0.4 MB; 1 pp)
Melbourne in 2010 first flyer
(0.2 MB; 1 pp)
Melbourne in 2010 ConJose party flier
(0.7 MB; 1 pp)
Pre-supporter form with THAT typo
(0.6 MB; 1 pp)
Other Bidders
Kodacon in 2010 ad
(0.1 MB; 1 pp)
FANAC on YouTube
F. C. Moulton; Alan Stewart; Leslie Turek
Thursday March 13, 2025 08:41:33 PM EST
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